News » Classic Physique

Color Selection, Bodybuilding Posing Trunks

Selecting the appropriate posing trunks for a bodybuilding competition goes beyond simply selecting your favorite or lucky color. While there is nothing bad about your lucky color, it may not be the best color to help you win. It is said that the best choice is to match the color of your trunks to compliment your skin tone, but there is quite a lot of conflicting information as far as which colors go with what, and it can be quite tough to follow. Ensuring the trunks you choose will work for you come the big day can be what tips the scales in your favor. Reading The Charts One of the difficulties with selecting trunks based upon information found online...

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Competitive Physique: Where To Start

If you have been receiving the side-eye looks at the gym, or even at the supermarket, for your super ripped body, then odds are you have considered competition. If you haven’t put serious thought into it, that’s okay. Competition isn’t something to rush into, and it certainly is not for everyone. But, if you are actively considering it, then you are probably wondering “what are the benefits to competition, and why should I pursue it?” Simply put, competition breeds improvement. Competition is the missing ingredient to push your workouts from personal passion to goal-oriented drive. Training for a competition requires a training cycle designed to improve and maintain muscle growth throughout the body. Contests bring out the best in all...

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The Evolution Of Bodybuilding Posing Trunks

The Old School style of bodybuilding from the 1970’s era, commonly called the “Golden Age” of physique, featured intense rivalries with even more intense training regimens. Over time, the demands placed upon bodybuilders by the judges has evolved the nature of the sport, and its attire: bodybuilding posing trunks. Now there are a number of options available to those wishing to compete with physique, and ideal trunk choice largely depends on the division of competition. An athlete competing for Mr. Olympia will choose a posing thong, while the new division of classic physique athlete’s wear small, spandex-style, shorts. This wide variation in trunks of choice is influenced by a number of factors, but is primarily the direct result of evolving...

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4 Ways To Improve Your Competition Performance

Those that compete in bodybuilding are always looking for the next slight edge that will push them over the competition. Most of the time the winner of a competition is decided by the work put in outside of the gym. If you are looking to improve your performance, follow these four simple tips:   1. Perfect Your Poses. Then Perfect Them More.   Poses are everything in a competition. Changing your routine even a slight amount can have a wild amount of impact on your success. While each division may be different, studying the most successful competitors in your chosen discipline can give precious insight into the strategy of posing. While many poses are mandated, they are often far from...

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Grit: Overcome The Anxiety Of Posing Trunks

The lights are shining in your eyes, they’re so bright that you can only see the faint, shadowy outlines of the audience. They’re all watching you, and as you look down you see you’re wearing a tiny pair of briefs. Nothing else, only one thin layer of fabric between you and eternal shame! You can feel their eyes judging your body, as if they can see right through the layers of muscle you’ve labored to put onto your form. Suddenly, the body you pride yourself on seems to offer no protection, as their prying eyes look into the essence of your being. No, not a nightmare. That is what it can feel like going under the spotlights in a debut...

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