About us
Classic Physique is a Colorado based company that started with a simple concept; train smart by using clean supplements and educate yourself on the correct way to train and eat based on your body type.
We took our love of fitness apparel to the next level by printing catchy workout phrases on clothing that athletes would love to work out in.
Our clothes are produced with quality screen-printing while keeping the price affordable for our athletes. At Classic Physique we look at the athlete’s whole lifestyle, not just what’s in their closet. By doing so we wanted to create a supplement line that was NON-GMO, soy free, and contained no artificial sweeteners.
Our line of Classic Physique Supplements will have amazing results with none of the harmful side effects.
We have partnered with the industry’s leading edge nutritionists and trainers to formulate realistic work out plans and nutrition programs that will change their overall lifestyle, not using the “get fit quick approach”.
Join our Muscle Hustle movement today become the best version of you possible!